Thursday, November 28, 2019

For Two Centuries, Americans Had Been Progressively Taking Over And Es

For two centuries, Americans had been progressively taking over and establishing a continent. People felt that westward expansion between the 17th century and the 1840s was ?golden', but dangerous. People felt it was feasible only through patient work and timorous calamities. With each year of national growth, the confidence and power of the people was magnified, and every step forward divulged a broader horizon. Americans began to feel that the whole continent was to be theirs to do as they please with. It was theirs to exploit and theirs to make into a great, unified nation. This was a land of opportunity, a showcase to manifest the goodness of democratic institutions, tangible proof that the Americans were God's chosen people. John L. O'Sullivan, a journalist, summed America's new atmosphere up in a sentance in 1845. "The fulffillment of our manifest destiny to overspread the continent alloted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions". Manifest destiny was the belief of nineteenth-century Americans that their nation's territorial expansion was inevitable and ultimately a good thing, even for those being conquered. This conviction helped Americans justify the aggressive acquisition of new territories in the 1840s and later in the 1890s. Due to manifest destiny, politicl boundaries became insignificant and expansion was occuring rapidly.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Acupuncture essays

Acupuncture essays Acupuncture is currently being used for a number of medical treatments. It is important to look at the history of acupuncture, how it relates to post stroke patients and what its significance is to the nursing Acupuncture was developed by the ancient Chinese who "felt awe for the sanctity of the human body. The Nei Ching, attributed to the emperor Huang-Ti (2698-2598 BC), contains a reference to a theory of the circulation of the blood and the vital function of the heart that suggests familiarity with anatomy. Accurate location of the proper points for the traditional Chinese practice of acupuncture implies some familiarity with the nervous and vascular systems (Unknown, 2004)." Supporters of acupuncture believe "illness is caused by a disruption in the flow of qi (pronounced chee'), the collection of energies that endow us with our vitality (Boozang, 1998)." It is felt that the energy travels through "different medians that connect certain organs together (Levin, 2003)." The qi, or life force, is restored when "needles are inserted along the meridians at different acupuncture points, where energy travels close to the surface. Once inserted, the needles are then stimulated either manually by turning them, or electrically (Levin, 2003)." In the United States, the main reason acupuncture is performed is for pain relief, however it is also used for "rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, muscle and nerve difficulties', depression, smoking, eating disorders, drug behavior problems', migraine, acne, cancer and constipation (Boozang, 1998)." It is believed that acupuncture can lessen the addictions, as well as "manage disorders of the digestive, respiratory and vascular Since the early 1980's, acupuncture has "become a more acceptable alternative form of medical treatment in the United States. However, much of the information about acupuncture and its abil...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Customer service Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Customer service - Essay Example The process of launching the company is ongoing and the company is expected to commence its operation towards the end of the year 2015. Its purpose is to bring together like-minded wineries that are sufficiently developing their investments by creating a venue for business custom crush wine manufacturing, on and off premise wine sales and events in the UK that already house flourishing restaurants and nightlife sceneries. The collective will be made up of three wineries, which will operate as the incubator for future wine brands and upcoming industry ideas. The innovative infrastructures and equipment will also feature a tasting bar that has pours and flights from four resident wineries together with their inspirational wines and whisky. It will also provide a cheese platter, featuring Steve’s Cheese. The tasting bar will have the capacity to hold both large and small events, wine release parties and music dinners. Although Flaming Waters is likely to experience high profit as a UK- based organization, the company will, after a year, expand its operations worldwide. Flaming Waters aims at manufacturing and distributing high quality wines and whisky that improve its enjoyment. The organization is also committed to maintain the highest degree of expertise and professionalism, so as to market and sell all its products, such as wines and whiskies, to the food and beverage industry. Further, the company aims at shipping and distributing the aforementioned products in the most responsible way. The company’s mission is to share its love for high-standard wines with individuals who like taking wine. All the brands of products manufactured by the Flaming Waters will be certified as made from organically grown grapes and healthy raw materials. Such products are backed by the organization with absolute satisfaction guarantee. Flaming

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Assignment 16 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assignment 16 - Essay Example Japan, all utility companies are obliged to get power from suppliers whose electricity have been generated by wind, hydro, solar, geothermal or biomass. Germany has moved a step higher by exploiting new off shores at the sea through the windmills projects. In Holland, renewable energy releases no greenhouse gases and they are being tested in the Northern provinces. The United States has taken several measures in regard to environmental conservation and alternative energy use. However, the countries mentioned above perhaps have achieved better results in respect of their use of alternative energy soures. The United States can borrow a leaf from the above countries and embrace the use of renewable power. John Muir is one of America’s reknowned naturalists and environmentalists. Muir who lived between 1838 and 1914 is known to have been a major influene in the establishment of several national parks in the U.S. Some of the parks associated with him include the Sequoia National Park and the Yosemite National Park (Lallanilla par 2). In addition, he influenced the establishment of millions of conservation areas. In 1892, Muir together with others founded the Sierra Club, a movemnet that was dedicated to environmental conservation. As a result of his contributions and ideals, Muir impacted the likes of many people across the world including former U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt. Muir’s interest and commitment to environmental conservation began at a tender age; when he was a young boy. He developed a passion for environmental conservation when he went hiking in the Gulf of Mexico (Lallanilla par 2). His experience at hiking was exhilarating. It is disturbing to learn that with the population of humans growing faster than the rate at which the natural resources are getting replenished, the world may end up in major problems. A growing human population means that the world will need more food to sustain life. Yet again, the level of pollution has been and indeed

Monday, November 18, 2019

Investment research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Investment research - Essay Example Similarly, appended graph 1 shows the variations of these companies’ returns over the same period of time. We can see in the graph that the National Australian Bank and Westpac Banking show the greatest variation amongst the five options. This signifies the high risk involvement. Nonetheless, Woolworths shows the least variation and a moderate return and appears to be the best option for investment. The picture will be further clarified with the help of average returns and risk measurements. Woolworths is the best option amongst the five investment options as seen in appended table 2. The company provides one of the best returns with least amount of risk involvement. Similarly, Telstra also seems to be a viable option for the investment as it provides a moderate return with least risk entanglements. However, greater returns involve higher risks. Westpac Banking provides the highest returns amongst the options; nonetheless, it is also the riskiest option amongst them. On the other hand, National Australian Bank is one of the worst options to be availed as it provides the least return with a high risk factor. Thus, E must see the highest investment in the portfolio. However, in a portfolio, we need to balance our investment. We will need to make investments in all the five options so that we can earn a moderate return in all the situations. Since, Woolworths is the best possible company; therefore it must see the largest chuck of the investment. Similarly, another major chuck must be invested in Telstra. The other companies must only see a small chuck of investment to balance the

Friday, November 15, 2019

John Dillinger: A Biography

John Dillinger: A Biography John Dillinger was one of the Midwest and our nations most elusive and notorious bank robbers. Many thought of Dillinger as a modern day Robin Hood that stole from the very institutions that where foreclosing on broken farmers. (Life, 2003). The truth is that John Dillinger was a career criminal that lead a life of crime that started with Deviance in his youth. Some described his behavior as just kids being kids, but in Dillingers case this was just the beginning. John Herbert Dillinger was born June 22, 1903 in Indianapolis, Indiana to John Wilson Dillinger and Mary Ellen Lancaster. He was the younger of the two children from his fathers first marriage. John Jr was best described as a well behaved child leading up to his mothers death when he was just four years old. This was a difficult time for young Dillinger and allot for him to take in at a young age. Johns older sister took on the responsibilities of the mother figure in the house hold while his father ran his grocery business, but this lasted only a year when his sister moved out and John was left with only his father. (Materra, 1955). In 1912, John Dillingers Grandfather Mathias passed away and his father met Johns stepmother at the funeral. When John was nine years old his father remarried and John was left to adjust yet again to another change in his environment. (Materra, 1955). As Dillinger got older he was involved in more and more deviant behavior that started as pranks and escalated to juvenile court. He was best described by his peers as a bully and a juvenile delinquent that frequently defied authority. ( Materra, 1955). By the time that Dillinger was in the sixth grade he was the leader of a neighborhood gang called The Dirty Dozen. This was composed of numerous children from the neighborhood in which Dillinger grew up, but only a select few participated in the theft of coal from the rail yards in Indianapolis. Dillinger and some of the more prominent members of the gang managed to steal tons of coal and sold it to neighbors at a discounted price, until a railroad detective caught members of the gang that told on Dillinger. This would be Dillingers first encounter with the law that brought him to juvenile court. (Toland, 1963). This could have been said to be the first step in Dillingers criminal career. These were early signs that Dillinger was on his way to a life of crime. The earliest sign was obvious when he was labeled as the ring leader of a gang in the sixth grade that was found guilty of coal theft. No one could have predicted that Dillinger would go on to capture the attention of the nation and make history as one of the nations most notorious outlaws. The public both feared and idolized Dillinger. Some called him a Tommy gun wonder that was swift and gracious in his robberies. When John was twenty he committed his first major crime that put him in the Indiana state prison for ten to twenty years. In the 1920s leading up to his arrest his father decided to sell his grocery store and move to the country and take up farming in Mooresville, Indiana. His father hoped that John would take up farming, but Dillinger was not partial to the country life having been raised in the city. Dillinger never held steady work having dropped out of school he did odd jobs and helped on the family farm. At twenty John stole a car, and to avoid prosecution Dillinger fled and joined the Navy. His days in the Navy lasted only 5 months before he deserted. He then returned home and married a young bride that was sixteen years old. (Girardin and Helmer, 1994). When Dillinger was married it was about the same time that he met Ed Singleton on a local baseball team that they both belonged to. Singleton, who was an ex convict presented the idea of robbing the local grocer to Dillinger. The local grocer Frank Morgan was to be Dillingers first victim in an armed robbery. Morgan just happened to be a very good friend of Dillingers father. Dillinger attacked him on the street with a bolt wrapped in a handkerchief. After struggling with Morgan John pulled a gun and fired it in the air, he then fled out of fear. Weeks later the local sheriff figured things out and brought Morgan out to the Dillinger farm to identify John Jr. Dillingers father was assured that the court would be lenient if he confessed and plead guilty to assault and armed robbery, so Dillinger admitted to committing the crime. When his day came in court there was no leniency and he was sentenced to fifteen to twenty years in the state prison. After 5 years Dillingers wife asked for a divorce and this added to his bitterness and caused him to request to be transferred to the Michigan City State penitentiary where he would be schooled by hardened criminals on how to carry out a successful bank robbery. ( Materra, 1955). Nothing could explain how John Dillinger learned to become a professional bank robber than the hard time that he had served at Michigan City with other notorious criminals. Michigan City state penitentiary was the turning point that changed John Dillingers course in life to a criminal career. From John Dillingers progression from his childhood of deviance and minor criminal activities such as stealing coal and leading a local gang of kids he progressed into the first criminal in history to be known as public enemy #1. (Girardin and Helmer, 1994). The robbery of his local grocer and family friend that put him in prison for ten to twenty years could be observed as the turning point that made Dillinger into a career criminal. In his time at Michigan City he took to education on how to rob banks. Before meeting his tutors he managed to gain quite a reputation in prison. In letters that he wrote his wife in the first ninety days read things such as Ill be home for Christmas (Materra, 1955). In the first ninety days John Dillinger managed to receive another six months added onto his sentence due to two attempted prison breaks. In 1929 John was up for a parole hearing that quickly was turned down due to the size of Johns file. After being denied parole he merely shrugged it off and requested a transfer to Michigan City state penitentary, according to John because they had a better ball team. At twenty six years old Dillinger was about to embark on his criminal education. (Toland, 1963). When Dillinger arrived at Michigan City he was given a job manufacturing clothes where he met his three mentors; Harry Pierpont, Charles Makley, Russell Clark, and Jack Hamilton. All three had been convicted of bank robbery and were more than willing to share their plans and expertise with Dillinger. This gang didnt only share their expertise they shared a list of banks with the weakest security in the Midwest. ( Materra, 1955). In 1933 Dillinger was facing yet another parole hearing. By this time Dillinger got smart and discontinued getting in trouble for petty offenses and focused on the possibility of being released. This time Dillinger was successful in being released receiving two out of the three votes for parole.(Reppetto, 2004) John returned home to Mooresville not to be greeted joyfully, but with the grief that his stepmother had passed away. (Materra, 1955). It wasnt long after Dillinger was released that he went right back to his old ways that gave him 10 years. In late may of 1933 Dillinger teamed up with Noble Claycomb and nineteen year old William Shaw. The trio planned out a job and carried out the first criminal act that John Dillinger had committed since his release. The trio entered a grocery store and made off with $100 in bills after Dillinger assaulted the store manager with the barrel of his hand gun knocking out his teeth. The very next day Dillinger kept his meeting with his parole officer lying to him and stating that he was seeking employment and helping his father on the farm. (Materra, 1955). It wasnt long after that Dillinger embarked on another criminal adventure with William Shaw also known as The Kid and Paul Parker. The three headed out for Indianapolis where they carried out the robberies of a drug store and a Kroger grocery store. Dillinger and Paul Parker scouted some banks that were on the easy jug list, but they had been hit by a much stronger force already. The Great Depression had taken its toll on many banks of the time causing them to go out of business. (Materra, 1955) After a number of robberies Shaw was captured leaving Dillinger with only one other member of what was known as the White Cap gang. After Shaw and the rest of the gang where captured by police Dillinger and their wheel man Copeland decided to carry out the planned bank robbery in Daleville Indiana. Dillinger entered the bank alone and a six-foot cage separated Dillinger from the clerk. In a daring leap Dillinger cleared the top of the wall and ordered the clerk to open the second cage and she did. This leap earned John the famous nickname of Jackrabbit. Dllinger managed to go into the vault and score diamond rings that were in safe keeping and handfuls of cash. Shortly after this successful hoist police cornered Shaw in a cell forcing information out of him until he finally gave up the others in the gang. This was the end of Dillingers first serious gang, but other plans were in the making. Dillinger was back in the recruiting process looking to aspire to bigger takes.(Toland, 1963) Dillingers successful robbery in Daleville Dubbed the Jackrabbit job was quickly linked to Dillinger by authorities, and wanted posters were printed out and dispersed throughout the state. This was the start of Dillingers fame.( Toland, 1963). Dillinger carried out a number of robberies through out Indiana and was captured in Dayton Ohio where john was visiting his girlfriend at the time. Dillinger was taken to the local jail where he was booked and held for trial. While Dillinger was in jail, his mentors where in the process of escaping from prison with weapons that Dillinger had smuggled in for them. After breaking out they returned the favor by getting Dillinger out of jail. This marked the start of Dillingers famous fourteen month career. (Materra, 1955). After the gang was reunited they choose to hit a near by town police station and rob them of their guns and ammunition. For fourteen months these criminals terrorized the nations banks as just bank robbers. On January 15th Dillinger and gang decided to rob the First National Bank of Chicago where things took a twist for Dillinger. This was the day that Dilliger went from a bank robber to a cop killer. When the gang entered the bank the president hit the silent alarm button that was connected directly to the police station a block and a half away. When the officers arrived they found themselves staring down the barrel of Dillingers Tommy gun and quickly retreated out of the bank. One heroic officer tried to take Dillinger down with four shots from his .38 caliber service revolver that all struck Dillinger in the chest. Disoriented Dillinger regained balance and returned fire with his Tommy gun sending eight bullets into the officers body killing him instantly. (Materra, 1955). Dillinger was now known across the United States as not just a bank robber but also a murderer. As Dillinger fired short bursts from his .45 caliber Tommy gun he pulled his wounded associate into the get away car as police fired a barrage of bullets in their direction. (Toland, 1963). With Dillingers fame growing he was growing less popular with the director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover and other authorities that he managed to humiliate. After Dillinger and his gang made their get away they all choose to leave the Midwest for a new area. Soon the gang was in Tucson Arizona and up to no good. They wound up drawing allot of attention to themselves by authorities and locals wherever they went with their flashy cars and jewelry. The fall of the gangs bloody reign of terror was the clever work of the Tucson police department who managed to do what the FBI and police departments in the Midwest failed to do time and time again. Without even firing a shot the Tucson police department managed to trick the gang into a trap that put them all in jail and seized more than $27,000 in cash, and a large stash of guns and ammunition. This made the police in the Midwest look even more incompetent. Dillinger was sent back to Indiana where he was to face trial for murder and multiple counts of robbery and assault. While in jail Dillinger managed to craft a gun out of a piece of wood and used it to spring himself to freedom after putting his captures into the very cell in which he was in. (Materra, 1955). When Dillinger fled from the Jail he stole the sheriffs car and drove into Illinois. When he crossed state lines he violated a federal law and now Hoover had all the authority he needed to launch the nations largest man hunt in U.S. History. The man hunt leads authorities to the far northern town of Mercer in Wisconsin where the Dillinger gang was hiding out at a lodge. The lodge named Little Bohemia became the sight of yet another humiliation for Hoover and his G-Men when they did not manage to capture Dillinger. After this the heat was on for John and he returned to Chicago and went into Hiding. He changed his appearance and was hiding out with a call girl named Anna Sage. Anna Sage led to Dillingers fall when she contacted the FBI and told them where he was going to be. Her plan was to avoid deportation by cooperating with authorities. She lead authorities to an air conditioned theater in Chicago where she viewed a movie with Dillinger. She told authorities to look for a lady in a red dress. When they exited the theater the FBI was waiting outside. As Dillinger walked down the side walk he heard some one call his name and he ran down the alley way. As Dillinger ran he was followed by a barrage of bullets that killed him instantly. This was the end of Dillingers life, but the beginning of a legend and many myths about his life. (Girardin and Helmer, 1994). Dillinger will always be remembered in the history books as the first bank robber to challenge authority and rob police stations. He may have been gunned down in that Chicago alley, but his legend will live on throughout the Midwest. Dillinger was the first and last of his kind. His style has never been duplicated and never will be. Many legends of Dillinger still live today. There is still a legend of a lost hoard of cash that only Dillinger knew the location of in northern Wisconsin and many other myths of his notorious career. No one knows if there is any truth to these myths, but there is truth in his actions and his crimes. (Toland, 1963) John Dillingers life was proof that the system and its prisons act as universities for criminals. The question remains whether Dillingers path would have been different had he never gone to Michigan City. His life was an early indication that our prison systems needed to implement correctional programs rather than giving them an education to more criminal activities. Dillinger is one example product of the system, since his time there have been many that go in the system and come out worse off than before entering it. References Girardin R. and Helmer W. 2005. Dillinger: The Untold Story. Copyright 2005 William J. Helmer Matera, D. 2004. John Dillinger: The Life and Death of the First Celebrity Criminal. Caroll and Graf 2004. Toland, J. 1963. The Dillinger Days. De Capro Press Edition 1995. Copyright John Toland 1963. Reppetto, T. 2004. American Mafia. Henry Holt and Co. New York, New York. 2004.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Public Education: Funding based Upon Race Essay examples -- Teaching E

Public Education: Funding based Upon Race Education†¦beyond all other devices of human origin, is a great equalizer of the conditions of men—the balance wheel of the social machinery. I do not here mean that it so elevates the moral nature as to make men disdain and abhor the oppression of their fellow men†¦But I mean that it gives each man the independence and the means by which he can resist the selfishness of other men. It does better than to disarm the poor of their hostility toward the rich: it prevents being poor. –Horace Mann, 1848 Public education in the United States is exalted as the â€Å"great equalizer.† This utopian concept would be true if the education provided to all citizens was equal. Unfortunately, the dueling principles upon which the American nation was founded— freedom to accumulate wealth and equality for all—inhibit the establishment and maintenance of equal education. Funding inequities within the United States public education system embody the tension between one’s right to accumulate capital and one’s duty to guarantee equality for all. As the current system stands, the right to accumulate and utilize financial resources prevails. Thus, an educational system that perpetuates the economic inequality of America’s racial groups endures. In the 1954 United States Supreme Court case, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, school segregation was found to be unconstitutional. On behalf of the Court, Chief Justice Earl Warren wrote, â€Å"We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.† The reasoning behind the unanimous decision diverged from the line of argumentation that had been used by civil rig... ...ll Curve: How Education Matters† in Journal of Negro Education, Vol. 64, No. 3 (1995). Kozol, Jonathan, Savage Inequalities (New York: Harper Perennial, 1991). MacPhail-Wilcox, B. and R.A. King, â€Å"Resource allocation studies: Implications for school improvement and school finance research† in Journal of Education Finance, vol. 11 (1986). Massey, Douglas S. and Nancy A. Denton, American Apartheid (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1993). Murray, Charles, Lossing Ground (New York: Basic Books, 1984). Taylor, W.L., and D.M. Piche A report on shortchanging children: The impact of fiscal inequity on the education of students at risk (1991). Wilson, William Julius, The Truly Disadvantaged (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1987). Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, (1954). Campaign for Fiscal Equity, et al v. the State of New York (2000).